HaNegev Go

Prepared by Alan Imar & Ethan Lieberman (Rel/Ed RGB 2017, Hanegev)

Program Overview

Active, Prayer/Tefila, Religion/Education




Creative service


  1. Empower Kadimaniks to discover what they pray for through a relatable activity dealing with video games.

Materials Needed

  1. 6 “USY Stop” signs (values)
  2. 6 “Pokemon” signs
  3. Badges (use sticker labels) with different HUSY Stops
  4. NOTE: Each USY Stop (value) corresponds with a Pokemon (prayer). Open attachment to see Stops and Prayers



  1. Welcome all the Kadimaniks to “HaNegev Go”
  2. Explain what Pokemon Go is:
    1. Pokémon GO is an interactive, mobile game that uses your phone’s GPS to show Pokémon hidden near your current location. The Pokémon which appear on-screen in the app can be captured.
  3. Explain what we’ll be doing today:
    1. “In HaNegev Go, you will be become a HaNegev Trainer, tour the land of USY, capture different Pokemon by completing different activities and praying, and learn about Jewish prayer.”
  4. Select 6 “Pokemon” (USYers) and place them around the room. The USYers are going to be named different prayers instead of actual Pokemon names (refer to materials)
  5. Each HUSY stop is assigned to a specific prayer/Pokemon (see materials)
  6. Break up the Kadimaniks into groups of 10-15 people
  7. Assign different groups of Kadimaniks> to each USY Stop with a Pokemon (USYer)
  8. Once in groups, USYers read a blurb explaining each prayer which corresponds to that station (see below):
    1. Birkhot Hashachar (Page 10): A long list of things we are thankful for to G-d. Things like standing upright, not being sick, and being Jewish.
    2. Halleluyah (Page 88): Empowerment from G-d through dancing and playing instruments. It shows how we can pray through different interpretations and not just reading Hebrew.
    3. Barchu (Page 98): Praising G-d and relinquishing ourselves unto him by bending our knees and bowing.
    4. Shema/V’ahavta (Page 100): This prayer discusses how we need to teach our children the different aspects of Judaism in order to continue our traditions.
    5. Amidah (Page 106): The Amidah is a collection of prayers just like Birkhot Hashachar and all of them not just thank G-d for certain things, but also show the hope of the Jewish people. We are asking healing sick loved ones, repenting for our sins, and being a fair judge.
    6. Oseh Shalom (Page 120): Israel is the home of the Jews and we ask G-d to bring this land peace, as well as throughout the world.
  9. After the blurb is read, discuss why the values are important in everyday life. Questions to consider:
    1. Why do you think we say this prayer?
    2. Do you like this prayer? Why or why not?
    3. Have you ever heard this prayer? If so, where?
    4. Do you say this prayer? If so, when?
    5. How does the value correspond with the prayer?
  10. Select 6 “Pokemon” (USYers) and place them around the room. The USYers are going to be named different prayers instead of actual Pokemon names (refer to materials)
Prayer Activity
Birkhot Hashachar Play “Simon Says”
Halleluyah Think of a song that corresponds with the value and sing it
Barchu Wah!
Shema and Va’havta Human knot
Amidah Human pyramid
Oseh Shalom Ninja
  1. Come back together to complete the service with Kaddish Shalem, Aleinu, and Adon Olam