Glossary of Terms

Glossary of Terms

USY offers many ways for teens to get involved including through chapter, immersive experiences, virtual learning, and leadership opportunities. USYers often refer to programs colloquially or by their internal abbreviations, which, given our robust offering, can be confusing.

Read on to learn how to “Speak USY.”

Summer Experience



  • International Executive Board, a group of six USYers who govern USY at the international level
    • President
    • Israel Affairs (IA) Vice President
    • Religion/Education (Rel/Ed) Vice President
    • Social Action/Tikun Olam (SA/TO) Vice President
    • Outreach Vice President
    • Communications (Comm) Vice President

Chapter Board

  • USYers that represent their local chapter in the synagogue and aid in planning chapter events
  • Elected at the end of the school year


  • Translated to “spirit,” this is the name of lively singing sessions that takes place during Shabbat at Conventions or Encampments (usually before Birkat Hamazon, the blessing after a meal)

Slow Ruach or Sloach

  • A song session much like ruach, but slower and more sentimental to represent the culmination of Shabbat (prior to Havdalah, the service that ends Shabbat and brings in the new week)


  • An abbreviation for Social Action/Tikun Olam, this is a catch-all term for USY’s community service and fundraising efforts

Tikun Olam (TO)

  • Literally translated to “repairing the world,” this is also the name of USY’s tzedakah (charity) fund
    The money raised for TO is allocated to several charities as well as used for scholarships to help teens go on USY summer programs or other immersive experiences.