Staff a Trip

Staff a Trip

Thank you for your interest in staffing a USY summer program. We’re fully staffed for this summer but will re open applications in the fall when we launch registration for summer 2025!!

All USY Summer Experience staff members must:

  • Be at least 19 years of age
  • Be a high school graduate and have completed one year of college or the equivalent (for Wheels) or completed 2 years of college or equivalent (for Yuval Yisrael)
  • Have the ability to handle many varied responsibilities in a time-sensitive environment
  • Possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills
  • Have the ability to work-well with others in a team setting
  • Have a  strong Jewish background with a demonstrated commitment to Conservative/ Masorti Jewish values, Shabbat and kashrut

Staff are responsible for the health, safety, and education of the group. They live and travel with the teens for the duration of the trip.

In many respects, a USY summer travel staff member’s duties are similar to those of a camp counselor. Staff members need to be:

  • An authority figure
  • A good listener
  • A friend

They must possess the ability to plan and implement programs relating to all aspects of Judaism and Israel education.

Unlike camp, however, there are no “specialists” on USY summer travel. Therefore, staff members are expected to plan and carry out many of these “specialties” such as:

  • Leading creative prayer services
  • Dealing with medical responsibilities
  • Food preparation

Wheels staff members have various responsibilities including, but not limited to:

  • Facilitating an inclusive, positive social environment
  • Overseeing day to day travel and logistics
  • Adhering to USY’s safety and medical policies; and educational duties

For example, during the course of the summer, staff members may have the opportunity to lead/teach religious services and sichot (study groups), as well as arrange meals, shop for groceries, coordinate sightseeing, and help out in other areas as needed.

Israel/Europe staff members have various responsibilities including, but not limited to:

  • Facilitating an inclusive, positive social environment
  • Overseeing day to day travel and logistics
  • Adhering to USY’s safety and medical policies; and educational duties

For example, during the course of the summer, staff members may have the opportunity to lead/teach religious services and sichot (study groups), and help encourage teens’ personal growth with regard to Jewish identity and Zionism.

Responsibilities may vary according to the Yuval Yisrael trip; for instance, staff may lead Shoah-related sichot while touring in Poland, Prague, etc.

USY summer travel staff are expected to conduct themselves as role models in all that they do, since the teens we work with are at a critical juncture in their lives and may look to staff members for guidance and counsel. Staff members:

  • Need to follow USY’s behavioral guidelines. For more information on staff policies and USY safety and security, please click here.
  • Must display a commitment to Conservative Judaism, Shabbat and kashrut, both during the summer and in their own lives
  • Must be committed to providing fun, meaningful experiences to teens that will impact them for years to come

Five staff members travel on the bus with about 35-45 teens.

One of the five staff members is the group leader who, as a general rule, has had prior experience with the Wheels program.

The number of participants per group is approximately 20-45, with:

  • One group leader (Israeli or American)*
  • One American female staff member
  • One American male staff member
  • Two full-time Israeli staff members

* As a general rule, the group leaders have had prior experience with USY summer travel

All staff must complete a week-long staff training just before the trips leave.

Additionally, staff must have CPR & Basic First Aid certification (valid through August of the current year) as well as Mental health First Aid.

USY provides a small salary to be paid upon completion of the trip, along with all tour expenses. We do not cover personal expenses.

USY does not provide medical insurance, baggage or property insurance for summer staff.