Ruach n Roll: The Final Four!

Welcome back to Ruach n Roll! Today, we are presenting… The Final Four:

We asked USYers to share what makes the songs they voted for special – here are some of the highlights!

“I LOVE Vehi She’amdah from my summer on USY on Wheels!” – Maddy Pollack, Seaboard

“B’shem Hashem was my audition song for my acapella group” – Talia Scheinberg, Hagalil

“Eili Eili is the first ruach song I ever learned back in sixth grade and it means a lot to me.” – Samara Kohn, METNY

“The symbolism of Al Kol Eleh is absolutely STUNNING” – Allie Lupatkin, METNY

“Acheinu has always been my favorite because of the translation, it’s even on the inside of my Hadaya ring!” – Reena Bromberg Gaber, Mizrach

“Nachamu was the first ever song I led at my chapter’s annual lock-in” – Jamie Gold, Hagalil

Go to @usyeverywhere on Instagram to go vote for the next round and share your thoughts with us! And of course, if you need a refresher on any of the songs, check out this playlist below.