Heschel Fellowship

USY, together with USCJ is proud to announce that this fall we are launching the 4th cohort of the Heschel Fellowship, an immersive online Jewish learning fellowship for teens that will provide an intensive opportunity to grow in their Jewish knowledge. 

In the first part of the course, we will be using traditional and less-traditional Jewish text to think about the ways Judaism serves as a vehicle to influence and express identities, emotions, values, and our perspectives.  In the second half, we will employ some of the same concepts and ideas we examined in the first half, but now in the context of our relationship with the broader world.  The course will push students to think introspectively, teach how to learn using the traditional Jewish method “Chevruta” (partner) learning, and help students to discover more about how our two-thousand-year-old Jewish tradition can speak to our experiences today. 

JTS Rabbinic intern Bennett Decker has designed the course specifically for USY teens and will facilitate much of the fellowship together with guest speakers. 

Upon successful completion of the learning fellowship in February 2025, participants will be able to receive $350 USD in subsidies to attend another immersive Jewish experience (e.g. camp, Israel trip, etc.) or $750 USD to attend any program(s) run by USY.

The cost to register for the fellowship is $45.

Any Jewish teenager in grades 9-12 not currently enrolled in a Jewish day school may apply. For purposes of this fellowship, the selection committee is going to prioritize teenagers who live in small or mid-sized Jewish communities, however any Jewish teenager is welcome to apply.

If you know a teenager who you think would benefit from this learning experience and wants to further grow their Jewish knowledge, encourage them to apply today. The application is due October 1, 2024 at 5:00 pm ET.

If you have any questions, you can email [email protected].

How to Apply

Our Facilitator

The Details

Sessions are on Wednesdays from 8:00 – 9:30pm ET: 

Part 1: Judaism and the Self (Identity, Emotions, Values)

Session 1: 11/6

Session 2: 11/13

Session 3: 11/20

Session 4: 11/27

Session 5: 12/4

Part 2: Judaism in the world

Session 6: 1/29

Session 7: 2/5

Session 8: 2/12

Session 9: 2/19

Session 10: 2/26

Terms and conditions: 

I further understand that all sessions are mandatory, and I will only be permitted 2 excused absences where the lead instructor is notified at least 24 hours beforehand.  For each subsequent class I miss after the two excused absences, the total amount of stipend I will be eligible to receive will be reduced by 15% per session.

In order to be a full participant in each class, I understand that I will need a working internet connection and will need to keep my Zoom video on for the duration of the class. 

Finally, I understand that upon completion of the program I will receive a $750 USD credit towards participation in programs run by USY, and the funds may be used for a single program or multiple programs. If I choose to participate in a program not run by USY upon completion, I will receive a $350 USD stipend for a single program run by an approved Jewish education provider.:

Should you be selected for the Heschel Fellowship, the biography and picture included in your application will be used in the program materials, and any of these materials may be edited by and USY and USCJ in its full discretion.:

USY (including its staff and volunteers) has full discretion to choose the participants in the Heschel Fellowship. There is no guarantee that this applicant will be accepted. It is understood that the Heschel Fellows will be selected to ensure a diversity of gender, sexual orientation, geography, backgrounds, and institutional affiliations to allow USY and USCJ to showcase a mosaic of outstanding Jewish teenagers.:

Should you be selected for the Heschel Fellowship, you agree that your image and presentation may be included in photos, videos and sound recordings produced prior to, during, or after the fellowship, whether for purposes of promoting or reporting on the fellowship, or for such other use as USY and USCJ may determine in its absolute discretion, and that such photos, videos and sound recordings may be used in print, on the Internet, or in other media produced by USY and USCJ for publicity, promotional or any other purposes, without further permission.